Friday, June 4, 2010

1 Week Later


It's been about a week so I figured I would check in with a blog post about the progress I've made.

I finished the tiger's face. I tried to veer from the pattern a little bit with the nose and add a hightlight, but I decided it didn't look good, so I ended up doing the nose entirely black in the end. The ears took forever! While working on them, I realized I was running out of pink thread. It was then that I realized I was supposed to be taking the 3 strands of thread and separating them into sets of 2. So, I've started doing that now. It's a pain. Almost always the strands get knotted. Oh well.

Here's the rest so far. I went ahead and finished all the sections I could with the two stitches I know. Unfortunately, now that means I need to learn a new stitch to continue on.

Here's the picture of what the finished piece is supposed to look like. You can see that I changed the nails. I didn't like the two-colored look. And one of the flower centers will have to be a different color because I ran out of pink thread. Oops. Also, the set didn't come with white, but I think I'm going to buy some and fill in the white fur on the tiger, because I think it looks odd being the same color as the background.


Thursday, May 27, 2010


What I picked. Why I picked it. And how I got there.

For the two weeks since I set up this blog, I've been thinking about what I could learn for my summer project. The first idea that popped into my mind was a book that I had recently bought.

I thought it would be fun to learn how to crochet and make cute little animal plushies like that. But the only crocheting experience I've had was this.

An unfinished scarf from 5+ years ago (I don't even remember). lol. I don't remember the number of stitches. I don't even remember how to do the stitches. But still, that didn't deter me. I went out and bought this.

(Sorry for the glare back from the flash...I was too lazy to go back and take another photo ^^;)
This set came with 5 more crochet needles of various sizes and explained the different stitches, how to count, and all that other beginner stuff. It was around this time that I realized this was probably going to be a task that I would get fed up with about halfway through and throw it across the room...never to be seen or heard from again. Since that's SO NOT what I want from this experience...I decided to look elsewhere.

I briefly considered these two books that I had recently purchased. I even made these cupcakes for my fiance's birthday.
That was fun. But I didn't really "learn" anything. I just got to be creative while making cupcakes. Also, who needs that many cupcakes? We were hardly able to eat the 24 from this batch. lol. Had to give them to friends and neighbors....and a bunch of them were still thrown out. ^^;

So, that left me still debating on what to choose for this project. I came home...and sitting on the table was my mom's needlepoint owl that's she's been working on for as long as I can remember. And there I had it. That's what I was going to learn. 10 or more years ago, I saw her working on that owl needlepoint and decided I wanted to try that for myself. My mom had some other patterns laying around and let me choose one to do. I decided on a cute little tiger. I worked on it for a little while. Only learning one or two stitches...and then it sat in the closet for years. I pulled it out of the closet and this is what I found...
A poor little tiger with one half finished eyebrow! WTH?! lmao. Apparently, I got bored working on the eyebrow at some point and started working on the stripe below the face. I looked on the pattern and saw that the eyebrow involved a stitch that I didn't even remember ever learning. I got to work....finished that eyebrow along with the other one. And now I'm working on finishing up that stripe.

So...that's what I've accomplished so far. And I'm happy with my choice. ^^ My goal for the summer is to finish up this needlepoint (which actually includes more than the photo above shows). I should be learning 5 or so different stitches by the time I'm finished. If I complete this one...I have others to choose from. I might even give cross stitch I try. And....if I get brave enough...I may try that crochet before the summer is over. But I highly doubt that. XD!

Thanks for reading about my journey so far. I tried to make it interesting to read. I'm not sure if my future posts will have this many photographs, but I'll try to include at least one WIP shot with each post. ^^



Monday, May 10, 2010

First Post

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to my Project Risha blog. This is being created for use during Neko-Daewen's Summer Project. Click here. She suggested learning something new and talking about it on the internet. The project starts in June, but I'm setting this up a little early in preparation. :)
